Friday, August 31, 2007

Using VGA instead of HDMI for HTPC

Here's a decent thread on that has convinced me to use VGA when I get my mac mini.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whenever I hook up my linux PC or my G4 PowerBook to the Samsung I've always used the VGA connector. As long as the video card on the computer drives the right resolution it always worked perfectly.
The Samsung manual tells you exactly what resolution to use for specific refresh rates. It's usually been spot on.

My hope is that eventually there will be a mac mini with HDMI so that I can feed the video and audio through the HDMI. My hope has always neen to use the TV as the switcher. There is a "pc input" for audio, but it's only a mini stereo jack. I've never noticed, but I wonder if the menu lets you choose which audio in to use for the PC/VGA setting on the tv.

I'm trying to avoid the remote control macros as much as possible when it comes time to switch between HD PVR and HTPC.