Monday, December 31, 2007

PS3 plays VOB files

I saw a couple of articles about using "Twonky" as a DLNA server to stream VOB files (the guts of your video_ts folder) to PS3.
Looks like this has worked, but a recent PS3 firmware update (2.0) broke the functionality. A subsequent fix (2.01) seems to have rectified the problem

Twonky is pay-for, but a quick search for other DLNA servers, PS3, and VOB files shows that this may simply be a new feature in the DLNA servers.

Articles on playing vob files with Twonky:

Link to Twonky:


International Family Church said...

Using the PS3 as the front end for your htpc setup has its advantages - specifically Blu ray playback and HD output through the HDMI interface. The biggest problem with twonky is this little line I found on their site – “The current version of TwonkyMedia does not provide transcoding functionality.” Now if you read you'll see that you can’t play 80% of the image/audio/video formats on the PS3 when played through twonky. You have to actually copy the media to the PS3 hard drive to make it work. It seems that Tversity is a better option. I looked through the TVersity PS3 forum and it looks like there are still a lot of issues with video playback -

For my budget, it makes more sense to have the front end of my htpc be able to handle all the formats I want to use plus handle all the processing. If the PS3 could simply browse network shares on its own and play mpeg_ts files on its own, it would be the perfect solution. You and I need to make a pro/con list of using a PS3/ Xbox360 with a DLNA server vs using a computer as the front end. Your thoughts?

Unknown said...

I agree, it may be time for a full-on pro/con list.
The twonky vs. tversity debate is not one I'm prepared to get into. I haven't really researched either beyond the fact that twonky states they can stream vob files, which are the files in your dvd's video_ts folder.

The point is that if one DLNA server can do it, it won't be long before others can as well. I only see that the future will get brighter in this respect.

Of course, playing them directly from the Mac Mini will be the best, there's no doubt about that since the transcoding will happen in a better environment. But if PS3 has the ability to do this with it's crazy 6-way processor, then it may eventually overtake that.

Your point is well taken though. The Mac will always be a few steps ahead of the PS3+DLNA solution, I would think. And, the ability to use the Mini as a multi-purpose, centralized home PC also adds cache to it's use in the HomeTheater.

Unknown said...

If I may interject, from a non-technical POV. you guys obviously have laid out some purposes and goals in having a htpc setup. the must have's.
what about the other aspects (im thinking mainly pro's) of having a mac/pc rather than ps3/xbox.
there is a lot more 3rd party soloutions for hard/software for the mac/pc. also it seems like there is a lot less "hacking" or setup (which leads to less problems and monitoring?) on a mac/pc vs. the xbox/ps3 route.
this is from a novice, so your goals/knowledge are broader, but when i spring for that media center, not only do i want something powerful and all encompassing, but i want low maintinence, easy setup/adding to the library, and it has to be easy for the family to run when im out of town...

btw you guys rock!